Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Looking Up, Looking Down — The Darkly Spectacle

Looking Up, Looking Down — The Darkly Spectacle
Day 315, Year 11 (by the MagicDuel calendar :D)

 If the waters shimmered downward
and we were looking up
would the times at all be different
would they be less rough

yes, a line was drawn below
based on literary taste
those preferring newer wisdoms
outside the line were placed

but a line was drawn above
no less vicious, though it lost
I don’t think the leader mattered
both are driving, though we’re lost

a line of taste in instinct
shunning those who lost its thread
do not think that this was better
or left any fewer dead

nor believe it was erased
(if you took the other side)
we are still in awful danger
of two kinds of slaughter

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Where The Mountains Meet The Sea

Where The Mountains Meet The Sea
December 4, 2016

Dolores, your image reminds me of me
and a story I once drew
of where the mountains meet the sea.
(sound familiar?  Then we agree.)

the tallest peaks, the cracks of the earth
deeper than most of her many flaws
long after a conflict has ended
they still stand so proud of it all

and hand-in-hand
the sea and the sand
such a different story.

rocks that yield to the waves
shattering, falling, rounded out
made by forgetting their maker
till each is like the rest

so strange that the stories are one
just as the mountain is proud of its past
each grain of sand, so proud to be tiny
and yet to be strong, since it’s like all the rest

The wheel becomes stronger
whenever it bends
the mountain is stronger
when history rends 

Let us be like the wheel
let us stand till we bend
let our hearts always reel
at the pain we will send

Let us build and be broken
resisting our end
let our love be like water
and turn us to sand.

(yes I've been watching Westworld...but this image predates that)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Where I Sit

Where I Sit
November 25, 2016

Where I sit, the air is cold
winter is here.
The air is dry as dust.
The ground is forgetting its warmth.

But elsewhere, the sea is warm
and the cold air touches the sea.
Elsewhere, the air is wet
and the warm air gathers to me.

And clouds are forming
it’s winter for me.
The snow is falling
and melting away.

The colors are hiding
falling away
ground cloaked like a baby
from every display.

The drink is coming
I wish I could stay.

I lift 
a precious drop
of water to my lips

a long-thirsted song
on how the water drips.

We are 
not alone
whether or not
we like it.

We are
who we are
and also
who we are not.

The sky
and the sea
what is cold,
yet what is hot.

and by Aryeh Kaplan’s Sefer Yetzira:  The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice.)

הורים הרים מקום קיבוץ השלג.  מקום המעינות.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Prince of Gems

The Prince of Gems

Burn like a candle fierce.
And when your foes the tzaraath pierce
shed the sister's slanderous lies
lift each vale, and each disguise
prove the sage's words were true
and that the gems turned into you
with kindness turn the clock anew

(centered on a story from Rabbi Nachman, by the same name)

Friday, June 17, 2016



 "Your bloods are red," I have been told.

"And over top them rides the soul.
Forever bought, it's who you are, whether shy or bold."

But time and again, I feel like gold.
I am neither slaughtered, encouraged, nor stilled.
Forever lost, never bought, forever sold.

I am neither recognized nor roled.
"Alone" is not even the word.
Not a soldier, forever a sword.
Drawn across time like a cuckoo bird.

But then I closed my eyes, and all I have seen went red...

(updated 6/24)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

from freshman year (late 2012) in reaction to a school shooting...sadly there have been enough that I don't know which

School Shootings

The blood of the fallen is scattered. 
 It calls from the hearts of students and a teacher standing in the schoolyard. 
 It screams from the tiles and from the ground beneath. 
It burns in the eyes of a country.

The eyes of the fallen are closed now.
They do not see what a witness saw and they fail to take in the schoolyard.
They stare back at the years woven, the parents who made them.
A pluck broke the strings, strings of time
The tiles clean, the soil hidden from view.

Under the yard where hopers breathe abandoners air
voices from above shout all mistakes and breaking human mind.
There isn't any music.

Buried in metal that is witness to nothing
And it all seems so simple, a world displaced from a world
or an item moved from a store shelf
a lie transferred, hand to hand
and the soil ironed with a sprinkler.
Falling lead, the sound of nothing

the collapse (very old poem, ca. 2011; maybe even 2008/2009)

The collapse

I threw myself, hurtling, out of the dark cave
Where I had been hiding, imagining flights
And asking questions about a strange world.

There outside the cave, I found a set of books
Each striving to fill my brain, to prevent
Any other book from reaching in.
But I wouldn't have it.  I kept them all out.
I kept their knowledge where it was, and
I opened them when I needed to.

And what seemed like hours became days,
And what seemed like days became months.
As I became filled with the knowledge
Of what each book could tell me
And of nothing else.

One day, I grew bored of the books
And descended back into the cave.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

here, let's type some stuff

I won't act as we've seen, I'm not like
the person who did it, I saw
and won't dare to say "because I'm not like you"

that person is not you
he is not like you

I don't know he is a person

you are not like that
you are better

you aren't that person
you wouldn't do that

there is something unseen, I am certain

Friday, March 18, 2016

Money (poem)


There is this funny number
that shows up in the inbox every week
a reminder from the bank
they want me to be responsible

it says how much I can use others
who would rather not be used

or maybe they would, but if it were me, they would not
they'd have something else better to do.

Money, I hate you, I need you, it seems
because I am confused
because we are confused

because I don't know what the other wants
or if I know, and maybe I do
(some days, not up to me, nor to you)
my heart won't admit it.

I think it's my heart, at least
and I don't know how to show what's true
to the other, the world, my heart
without being cruel

Just in Case (poem)

Not my proudest creation, but it belongs here.  Shared elsewhere first.  I wrote it for one person, but ended up writing it in a way that only G-d or someone close would connect all its parts to me.

This email was written as a result of reading this.  It was not sent.

Just in Case
February 23, 2016

I don't think you know
don't know if that's OK
better write this for you
maybe seen, maybe not

I want you to know
I wish I could say
Your kindness is true
whether meant, whether thought. 


Truth is what's everywhere
You're in one place
when I feel underground
(such disgrace)
it's only a feeling.

Forgetting it sees
your kindness is here
guarding us in its place.

It spreads out its wings
and reaches
pulls up and up
till the grounds below slip
till it and me, we dance.

How to give this dance sound
how to make your words sing...?

I want you to hear it
I want it to ring


On bad days, and good ones too
I'm glad if I remember.

Hopefully, I thank the One who reminds me
(naturally or personally).

Hopefully, I also thank you
since you made the memory.


The fact you were here
after all this...

after madness and running away
and lost patience
and what could have been threats

after getting excited and pushing too hard
and forcing, using, the wrong hand

and maybe things worse than that 
-- I don't know -- you know --

still willing to say hello
every so often

still out loud to admit
we have something in common.


That is enough.

It lifts me up from the pit
and we fly to reach every place.

Even if you forget.
Even if you regret.

That is your kindness
still here, it's you


The rest of the email:

(Every once in a very rare while, someone keeps me company on a day when I really know I don't deserve it.  Not just that I don't (that'd mean a much higher frequency) but that I also know I don't.  

It is impossible to know what it seemed like from the other side, but...those times have a special place in my heart.

This is for you, [name].)

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Colours of Heaven (poem)

A poem I wrote to share on MagicDuel, yesterday or the day before.

The Colours of Heaven

Shadows burst up from the ground
reds and blues show and vanish...

...the colors have lost their crown
they are not known, not now.

as dreams of spectrum die
as light grows less intense

my embarrassments unhide
and like the shadows, upward stretch

here, before my eyes,
where rest is not, not yet...


was it ever not a lie? No
But it's fact,

real even false,
real unknowing, unforgiven.

the shame is here


here in the shadow that moments past was a colored tree

here in this eye we call the earth
as real as you or me...


I don't see the tree, who could
Dark blue covers my world

I don't know the way, I should
here under my blanket curled...

...the way up through the window
where flow body's mental streams

belief allowed for life,
but my fact allows a dream


In a dream I was unclothed
couldn't see that while awake.

In the dream I finish robed
I hope that isn't a mistake.


I'll pretend it isn't real
I'll pretend that I'm a fake

I'll run and do what I will do
jump into the lonely lake

Because once I saw a map
and on the map there was an island

on the island was a path
and in the path my fact is silent


Swim till shadows burst aground
till colours show and vanish

till the day the heart is crowned
till the light my fact will banish

Monday, February 8, 2016

My Anger

Obviously not a good title, but the anger indeed tends to be there. It's just usually subtle :)

 The following are the stimuli to this post:

 1. Elad Nehorai tweeted: https://twitter.com/PopChassid/status/696450168032468993

 "Ever had an idea you REALLY wished someone would write about? That means you're supposed to write it."

 2. There exists a passage in Likutei Moharan describing how one kingdom descends into four evil ones. 

There exists a scene in MagicDuel, the Trial of Agony, where there are four trees, and a stump. Next to the stump is a skull. Hanging on the trees are three living, but tortured, humans.

3. In the story of "The Sophisticate and the Simpleton", in the end, the Sophisticate is in a quicksand pit, being tortured by the (Jewish) "Devil" and his assistants. He thinks they are human beings even as they exhibit inhuman qualities.

 "Fool! You still think these are human beings?" He requires special help to leave the situation he finds himself in.

4. https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/comments/44i197/an_argument_for_strong_atheism/

 I know the refutation here, that no "creation" as defined can be true, and in fact the "creation" we are in is not true. If "create" is replaced with "exist", we have the exact framework for which Mur writes "To understand God, you must understand he doesn't exist".

Maimonides also says quite clearly G-d's existence is not like the existence of other things, i.e. really it should have a different name. Actually, the words he uses are "his being found". :D

But I can't write it in words for anyone else, only for myself.

"I wake you up by speaking what you cannot understand" -- The Tallest Man on Earth


There are fears about which we write "do not inquire"
"All who go to her, never return"

I was nursed on this truth from before I can remember
 I was nursed on this most useless, most crippling of knowledge.

 I can't move any more.
 I hope only to He who does Not Exist, only to He who is True.

 Is it your fault, or mine? I don't know what I did.
 I wasn't twenty yet, so I don't know.

Using the words of the dead man's skull, the only king I've ever met...
He escaped, he learned that some men are just trees twisted into a cruel face.

I don't need a giant, I don't need a tree, I don't need a beast or a bird or a wind
These are all too cruel.

 Take me to Where does Not Exist
Take me home again
Death is not enough today
I must live and forget life
Take away my time, give me yours...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I made some music


I don't know who really needs/wants to hear this, but I put Mur's "Into Darkness" to a melody some time in November/December and have been playing around with it out-loud/in-my-head since then...here's my second or third try today at a self-standing recording; I decided it was good enough.

into darkness first acceptable draft