School Shootings
The blood of the fallen is scattered.
The blood of the fallen is scattered.
It calls from the hearts of students and a teacher standing in the schoolyard.
It screams from the tiles and from the ground beneath.
It burns in the eyes of a country.
The eyes of the fallen are closed now.
They do not see what a witness saw and they fail to take in the schoolyard.
They stare back at the years woven, the parents who made them.
A pluck broke the strings, strings of time
The tiles clean, the soil hidden from view.
Under the yard where hopers breathe abandoners air
voices from above shout all mistakes and breaking human mind.
There isn't any music.
Buried in metal that is witness to nothing
And it all seems so simple, a world displaced from a world
or an item moved from a store shelf
a lie transferred, hand to hand
and the soil ironed with a sprinkler.
Falling lead, the sound of nothing